Sunday, December 5, 2010


8 1/2 - Out of all the movies this semester, I think I found this one to be the most compelling. Yet,much like the movie itself, it's hard to explain why. I think it has to do with the fact I plan to get into the film industry and direct films. I also feel as if I can relate to the notion of having a creative block in the midst of an important project with a fast approaching deadline. As well as the feeling of the whole project falling apart around you.

Ed Wood - My choice of this one also has to do with my decision to work in Hollywood. Despite Wood being considered one of the worst directors ever, this movie seemed to portray him in a sympathetic and somewhat inspirational manner. Not so much in that It made me think I can get away with horrible movies (Seems like most current studios are doing that already) but the fact He had a true passion for film. He fought for his vision, for his films, not letting the studios censor and edit them beyond recognition. And if nothing else, Johnny Depp's performance was, as usual, quite excellent.

Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - As a movie, it wasn't in my opinion the greatest, The storyline was a bit lacking (which is the most important aspect of a film, to me). However, from an editing point of view, this movie was amazing. It was VERY cleverly edited to blend the new footage with the old movies. The new footage set details matched the old film to a tee as well. I was quite impressed.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - This movie can be a real hit or miss. Generally, it seems as if generally more youthful audiences praise it, whilst older critics generally don't get the praise. I for one find it to be an innovative, energetic film. It has smart writing, great editing, and amazing casting. It tells an amazing story filled with very interesting characters. In my opinion it's one of the best films to come out in recent years, and a film every film student and person who enjoys films should at least give a chance.

The Godfather 2 -Well, What can I say that hasn't already been said by others? This film is generally considered one of the greatest movies ever after all. All film students should study Coppola's masterpiece.

Star Wars (Original Trilogy) - I really don't think there has been any other series of films that has had as much cultural impact on society as Star Wars. These films are timeless classics. The series has many unforgettable twists and turns in it's story, and in general, it's all told in such a cleverly written way. Also, It introduced many iconic characters (such as Darth Vader) and ideas (such as the force)to pop culture. They may not be the greatest films ever, but as I said, I can't think of any other films that have maintained such popularity and cultural relevance over 33 years.

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